Sunday 8 June 2008

Sex & The City's Kristin Davis Reveals Alcohol Battle

Sex And The City star Kristin Davis has revealed how she turned to alcohol in her early 20s in a bid to boost her confidence.

The actress – who refers to herself as an alcoholic – admits that she relied on drink to overcome her shyness and make herself appear more outgoing.

She tells the new issue of Shape magazine, "Alcohol freed me. I was really shy and I didn't know how to come out of my shell.

“I drank for the same reason I loved acting. I wanted to feel things and express myself and be free. And I'm not naturally that way."

Kristin adds that her problem with alcohol is in the past and she hasn’t touched a drop in years.

She says, "I don't drink and I've never smoked. They are bad for your skin and health."

In fact, Kristin now takes a much healthier approach to looking and feeling good.

"I went through phases when I said I can’t have this or I can’t have that,’ she recalls, "but now I don’t deprive myself."

"I never let myself get too hungry. I make sure I eat every three hours or so, mostly protein, good carbs, veggies and salads."

Read the full interview in the June issue of the UK edition of Shape on-sale 7th May 2008.

For a peek behind the scenes of the upcoming Sex & The City movie, click here, here & here.

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